Saturday, 31 August 2013

Online Data Entry and Data Mining Services

Data entry job involves transcribing a particular type of data into some other form. It can be either online or offline. The input data may include printed documents like Application forms, survey forms, registration forms, handwritten documents etc.

Data entry process is an inevitable part of the job to any organization. One way or other each organization demands data entry. Data entry skills vary depends upon the nature of the job requirement, in some cases data to be entered from a hard copy formats and in some other cases data to be entered directly into a web portal. Online data entry job generally requires the data to be entered in to any online data base.

For a super market, data associate might be required to enter the goods which have sold in a particular day and the new goods received in a particular day to maintain the stock well in order. Also, by doing this the concerned authorities will get an idea about the sale particulars of each commodity as they requires. In another example, an office the account executive might be required to input the day to day expenses in to the online accounting database in order to keep the account well in order.

The aim of the data mining process is to collect the information from reliable online sources as per the requirement of the customer and convert it to a structured format for the further use. The major source of data mining is any of the internet search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, MSN etc. Many search engines such as Google and Bing provide customized results based on the user's activity history. Based on our keyword search, the search engine lists the details of the websites from where we can gather the details as per our requirement.

Collect the data from the online sources such as Company Name, Contact Person, Profile of the Company, Contact Phone Number of Email ID Etc. are doing for the marketing activities. Once the data is gathered from the online sources into a structured format, the marketing authorities will start their marketing promotions by calling or emailing the concerned persons, which may result to create a new customer. So basically data mining is playing a vital role in today's business expansions. By outsourcing the data entry and its related works, you can save the cost that would be incurred in setting up the necessary infrastructure and employee cost.


Thursday, 29 August 2013

Data Mining in the 21st Century: Business Intelligence Solutions Extract and Visualize

When you think of the term data mining, what comes to mind? If an image of a mine shaft and miners digging for diamonds or gold comes to mind, you're on the right track. Data mining involves digging for gems or nuggets of information buried deep within data. While the miners of yesteryear used manual labor, modern data minors use business intelligence solutions to extract and make sense of data.

As businesses have become more complex and more reliant on data, the sheer volume of data has exploded. The term "big data" is used to describe the massive amounts of data enterprises must dig through in order to find those golden nuggets. For example, imagine a large retailer with numerous sales promotions, inventory, point of sale systems, and a gift registry. Each of these systems contains useful data that could be mined to make smarter decisions. However, these systems may not be interlinked, making it more difficult to glean any meaningful insights.

Data warehouses are used to extract information from various legacy systems, transform the data into a common format, and load it into a data warehouse. This process is known as ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load). Once the information is standardized and merged, it becomes possible to work with that data.

Originally, all of this behind-the-scenes consolidation took place at predetermined intervals such as once a day, once a week, or even once a month. Intervals were often needed because the databases needed to be offline during these processes. A business running 24/7 simply couldn't afford the down time required to keep the data warehouse stocked with the freshest data. Depending on how often this process took place, the data could be old and no longer relevant. While this may have been fine in the 1980s or 1990s, it's not sufficient in today's fast-paced, interconnected world.

Real-time EFL has since been developed, allowing for continuous, non-invasive data warehousing. While most business intelligence solutions today are capable of mining, extracting, transforming, and loading data continuously without service disruptions, that's not the end of the story. In fact, data mining is just the beginning.

After mining data, what are you going to do with it? You need some form of enterprise reporting in order to make sense of the massive amounts of data coming in. In the past, enterprise reporting required extensive expertise to set up and maintain. Users were typically given a selection of pre-designed reports detailing various data points or functions. While some reports may have had some customization built in, such as user-defined date ranges, customization was limited. If a user needed a special report, it required getting someone from the IT department skilled in reporting to create or modify a report based on the user's needs. This could take weeks - and it often never happened due to the hassles and politics involved.

Fortunately, modern business intelligence solutions have taken enterprise reporting down to the user level. Intuitive controls and dashboards make creating a custom report a simple matter of drag and drop while data visualization tools make the data easy to comprehend. Best of all, these tools can be used on demand, allowing for true, real-time ad hoc enterprise reporting.


Internet Outsourcing Data Entry to Third World Countries

Outsourcing pieces of your company is cost effective. The economic downturn has made companies explore more fiscally conservative options for their company. Internet outsourcing is one of the most popular options to effectively cut costs. Entire departments that cost companies millions a year can be shipped overseas. This allows companies to focus their resources on the crucial elements of their company and not use resources on trivial but necessary matters.

One of the most common departments outsourced is customer service. Maintaining a customer service department requires health benefits, rent, and costly salaries. This creates a huge expense for a company for simple tasks. Customer service departments are being outsourced to India and China for a fraction of the cost. Customer service often requires a straightforward question and answer script. The answers can be given to anyone who has the script. This makes outsourcing customer service effective.

If someone calls for customer support and the customer service representative answers the phone and does not know the answer there is a solution. Calls can be transferred to customer representatives that have extensive product knowledge. This elite group of customer service representatives can be located at corporate headquarters or can be transferred to a trained group of outsourced customer representatives that have knowledge beyond the script. This is one of the easiest ways to cut costs and maintain the value of the company. Over 90% of customer support questions are repeat questions that can be scripted.

Data entry is one the most common outsourced departments. People who do not speak the same language as the origin country can often do data entry tasks. This makes outsourcing data entry extremely cost effective. Numbers and symbols are universal making data entry straightforward in most foreign countries.

All outsourcing tasks can be distributed online. Internet outsourcing is the future to big and small businesses creating cost effective business plans. Placing an order online for electronic equipment has become a normal way of shopping. Placing online orders for work will be common in the decades to come.

Companies worry about outsourcing because they're concerned about quality. Outsourcing has become big business in China, India, third world and developing countries. Projects outsourced are taken very seriously and business management is similar to western societies. The regulations are often more strict than the United States and the work is often held to a higher standard to insure repeat business.


Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Businesses Outsourcing Data Entry

Outsourcing is a business strategy in which a company hires another company to perform specific tasks rather than hire employees to take care of it. This is usually done on a support function so that company personnel can concentrate exclusively on the primary business of the company.

Companies who provide outsourcing services are sometimes called "business to business" companies, as their customers are other businesses rather than individuals. From this broad definition, all companies outsource. Even if you're a sole proprietor, you can be said to be outsourcing when you buy office supplies. After all, it would be totally inconceivable to make them yourself! You depend on the experts in the office supply industry to provide suitable materials.

One of the largest and most adaptable outsourcing services commonly utilized by all kinds of companies is data entry. In fact, the demand is great and data entry services firms are growing rapidly.

A company's data is one of its most valuable assets. Gathering it correctly is essential to its ability to make good business decisions. Therefore, a BTB firm seeking opportunities of this sort must be very detail oriented, have a good employee training system and be prepared to create and administer a much customized project plan for your company. They could be doing many kinds of data entry work, or they may specialize in a specific type; like medical billing.

Often a company is a provider AND a purchaser of outsourcing services. A good example is a bank. Banks, of course, provide financial services to individuals and businesses and that is their primary revenue source. In order to support this income, they may outsource their payroll function to a company that specializes in that activity.

However, many banks also provide outsourcing services in the form of data entry for their business customers. One popular example is lock box payments. In this outsourcing arrangement, all of the client company's payments on account go directly to the bank. The bank opens them, applies the cash to the appropriate client account and deposits into the client's bank account. They do this either by direct access the to client company's payables systems, or they could do it separately and send a daily file of all transactions to the client company for them to take into their system in batch fashion.

There are many other types of data outsourcing provided by a wide range of companies. Some companies that may provide ancillary data entry outsourcing services are medical research facilities, universities, direct marketing firms, newspapers, insurance companies and trade organizations.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Advantageous Data Entry Services in Era of Globalization

Data generally represent the information and can be defined with numbers or alphabetical symbols. Data entry can be determined as process that converts data from one form to another one. Such solutions usually includes almost all business fields and professional services, such as data conversion, offline data entry work, data processing, image processing, data entry outsourcing, data mining etc. One has to collect data on various topics and have to represent them in some meaningful manner.

There are several tasks for data entry services. It may includes data-entry into websites, tracking debit or credit card transactions, entry into electronic books, image formatting, keeping hard copy of office applications for scanning or printing, database for mails, use of data entry software as well as management of all these activities. In addition some time consuming tasks such as entering data in offline mode to track websites, gathering effective websites, which may need for consultation and to fill online forms. One of the good examples of data entry tasks is writing the image. You have to enter the images to incorporate pictures and attachments in magazines, e Books and white papers. Scanned images also needed to enter the details on the file. Another example of data-entry work is insurance claim. Insurance firms file a claim for insurance in process to get the cost of services. All systems for payment, form processing and insurance claims are followed by data entry services.

Data processing is also very useful tasks needed to be managed, regardless of company size or complexity. You have to follow some methods in order to accomplish your data processing tasks accurately. Such services help firms in terms of clear analysis of activities, policies, strategies and actions. Data processing and other services like data cleaning, image processing, OCR clean up, survey processing are related to provide a well-processed and complete data which can be used to get simple explanation of data.

There are plenty of advantages such services. For example data conversion is process which is very significant for any firm to drive their business powerfully. Data conversion can be considered as transfer of data from one format to another. There are also some other useful services like data transformation and many other which directly or indirectly essential for smooth functionality of any business.

Be advantageous in this competitive environment by choosing the right business services for benefits of yours and your organization.


Friday, 23 August 2013

Data Mining and the Tough Personal Information Privacy Sell Considered

Everyone come on in and have a seat, we will be starting this discussion a little behind schedule due to the fact we have a full-house here today. If anyone has a spare seat next to them, will you please raise your hands, we need to get some of these folks in back a seat. The reservations are sold out, but there should be a seat for everyone at today's discussion.

Okay everyone, I thank you and thanks for that great introduction, I just hope I can live up to all those verbal accolades.

Oh boy, not another controversial subject! Yes, well, surely you know me better than that by now, you've come to expect it. Okay so, today's topic is one about the data mining of; Internet Traffic, Online Searches, Smart Phone Data, and basically, storing all the personal data about your whole life. I know, you don't like this idea do you - or maybe you participate online in social online networks and most of your data is already there, and you've been loading up your blog with all sorts of information?

Now then, contemporary theory and real world observation of the virtual world predicts that for a fee, or for a trade in free services, products, discounts, or a chance to play in social online networks, employment opportunity leads, or the prospects of future business you and nearly everyone will give up some personal information.

So, once this data is collected, who will have access to it, who will use it, and how will they use it? All great questions, but first how can the collection of this data be sold to the users, and agreed upon in advance? Well, this can at times be very challenging; yes, very tough sell, well human psychology online suggests that if we give benefits people will trade away any given data of privacy.

Hold That Thought.

Let's digress a second, and have a reality check dialogue, and will come back to that point above soon enough, okay - okay agreed then.

The information online is important, and it is needed at various national security levels, this use of data is legitimate and worthy information can be gained in that regard. For instance, many Russian Spies were caught in the US using social online networks to recruit, make business contacts, and study the situation, makes perfect sense doesn't it? Okay so, that particular episode is either; an excuse to gather this data and analyze it, or it is a warning that we had better. Either way, it's a done deal, next topic.

And, there is the issue with foreign spies using the data to hurt American businesses, or American interests, or even to undermine the government, and we must understand that spies in the United States come from over 70 other nations. And let's not dismiss the home team challenge. What's that you ask? Well, we have a huge intelligence industrial complex and those who work in and around the spy business, often freelance on the side for Wall Street, corporations, or other interests. They have access to information, thus all that data mined data is at their disposal.

Is this a condemnation of sorts; No! I am merely stating facts and realities behind the curtain of created realities of course, without judgment, but this must be taken into consideration when we ask; who can we trust with all this information once it is collected, stored, and in a format which can be sorted? So, we need a way to protect this data for the appropriate sources and needs, without allowing it to be compromised - this must be our first order of business.

Let's Undigress and Go Back to the Original Topic at hand, shall we? Okay, deal.

Now then, what about large corporate collecting information; Proctor and Gamble, Ford, GM, Amazon, etc? They will certainly be buying this data from social networks, and in many cases you've already given up your rights to privacy merely by participating. Of course, all the data will help these companies refine their sorts using your preferences, thus, the products or services they pitch you will be highly targeted to your exact desires, needs, and demographics, which is a lot better than the current bombardment of Viagra Ads with disgusting titles, now in your inbox, deleted junk files.

Look, here is the deal...if we are going to collect data online, through social networks, and store all that the data, then we also need an excuse to collect the data first place, or the other option is not tell the public and collect it anyway, which we already probably realize that is now being done in some form or fashion. But let's for the sake of arguments say it isn't, then should we tell the public we are doing, or are going to do this. Yes, however if we do not tell the public they will eventually figure it out, and conspiracy theories will run rampant.

We already know this will occur because it has occurred in the past. Some say that when any data is collected from any individual, group, company, or agency, that all those involved should also be warned on all the collection of data, as it is being collected and by whom. Including the NSA, a government, or a Corporation which intends on using this data to either sell you more products, or for later use by their artificial intelligence data scanning tools.

Likewise, the user should be notified when cookies are being used in Internet searchers, and what benefits they will get, for instance; search features to help bring about more relevant information to you, which might be to your liking. Such as which tracks customer inquiries and brings back additional relevant results, most online shopping eCommerce sites do this, and there was a very nice expose on this in the Wall Street Journal recently.

Another digression if you will, and this one is to ask a pertinent question; If the government or a company collects the information, the user ought to know why, and who will be given access to this information in the future, so let's talk about that shall we? I thought you might like this side topic, good for you, it shows you also care about these things.

And as to that question, one theory is to use a system that allows certain trusted sources in government, or corporations which you do business with to see some data, then they won't be able to look without being seen, and therefore you will know which government agencies, and which corporations are looking at your data, and therefore there will be transparency, and there would have to be at that point justification for doing so. Or most likely folks would have a fit and then, a proverbial field day with the intrusion in the media.

Now then, one recent report from the government asks the dubious question; "How do we define the purpose for which the data will be used?"

Ah ha, another great question in this on-going saga indeed. It almost sounds as if they too were one of my concerned audience members, or even a colleague. Okay so, it is important not only to define the purpose of the data collection, but also to justify it, and it better be good. Hey, I see you are all smiling now. Good, because, it's going to get a bit more serious on some of my next points here.

Okay, and yes this brings about many challenges, and it is also important to note that there will be, ALWAYS more outlets for the data, which is collected, as time goes on. Therefore the consumer, investor, or citizen who allows their data to be compromised, stored for later use for important issues such as national security, or for corporations to help the consumer (in this case you) in their purchasing decisions, or for that company's planning for inventory, labor, or future marketing (most likely; again to whom; ha ha ha, yes you are catching on; You.

Thus, shouldn't you be involved at every step of the way; Ah, a resounding YES! I see from our audience today, and yes, I would have expected nothing less from you either. And as all this process takes place, eventually "YOU" are going to figure out that this data is out of control, and ends up everywhere. So, should you give away data easily?

No, and if it is that valuable, hold out for more. And then, you will be rewarded for the data, which is yours, that will be used on your behalf and potentially against you in some way in the future; even if it is only for additional marketing impressions on the websites you visit or as you walk down the hallway at the mall;

"Let's see a show of hands; who has seen Minority Report? Ah, most of you, indeed, if you haven't go see, it and you will understand what we are all saying up here, and others are saying in the various panel discussions this weekend."

Now you probably know this, but the very people who are working hard to protect your data are in fact the biggest purveyors of your information, that's right our government. And don't get me wrong, I am not anti-government, just want to keep it responsible, as much is humanly possible. Consider if you will all the data you give to the government and how much of that public record is available to everyone else;

    Tax forms to the IRS,
    Marriage licenses,
    Voting Registration,
    Selective Services Card,
    Property Taxes,
    Business Licenses,

The list is pretty long, and the more you do, the more information they have, and that means the more information is available; everywhere, about who; "YOU! That's who!" Good I am glad we are all clear on that one. Yes, indeed, all sorts of things, all this information is available at the county records office, through the IRS, or with various branches of OUR government. This is one reason we should all take notice to the future of privacy issues. Often out government, but it could be any first world government, claims it is protecting your privacy, but it has been the biggest purveyors of giving away our personal and private data throughout American history. Thus, there will a little bit of a problem with consumers, taxpayers, or citizens if they no longer trust the government for giving away such things as;

    Date of birth,
    Social Security number,
    Driver's license,
    Driving record,
    Taxable information,
    Etc., on and on.

And let's not kid ourselves here all this data is available on anyone, it's all on the web, much of it can be gotten free, some costs a little, never very much, and believe me there is a treasure trove of data on each one of us online. And that's before we look into all the other information being collected now.

Now then, here is one solution for the digital data realm, including smart phone communication data, perhaps we can control and monitor the packet flow of information, whereby all packets of info is tagged, and those looking at the data will also be tagged, with no exceptions. Therefore if someone in a government bureaucracy is looking at something they shouldn't be looking at, they will also be tagged as a person looking for the data.

Remember the big to do about someone going through Joe The Plumber's records in OH, or someone trying to release sealed documents on President Bush's DUI when he was in his 20s, or the fit of rage by Sara Palin when someone hacked her Yahoo Mail Account, or when someone at a Hawaii Hospital was rummaging through Barak Obama's certificate of showing up at the hospital as a baby, with mother in tow?

We need to know who is looking at the data, and their reason better be good, the person giving the data has a right-to-know. Just like the "right-to-know" laws at companies, if there are hazardous chemicals on the property. Let me speak on another point; Border Security. You see, we need to know both what is coming and going if we are to have secure borders.

You see, one thing they found with our border security is it is very important not only what comes over the border, which we do need to monitor, but it's also important to see what goes back over the border the other way. This is how authorities have been able to catch drug runners, because they're able to catch the underground economy and cash moving back to Mexico, and in holding those individuals, to find out whom they work for - just like border traffic - our information goes both ways, if we can monitor for both those ways, it keeps you happier, and our data safer.

Another question is; "How do we know the purpose for data being collected, and how can the consumer or citizen be sure that mass data releases will not occur, it's occurred in almost every agency, and usually the citizens are warned that their data was released or that the data base containing their information was breached, but that's after the fact, and it just proves that data is like water, and it's hard to contain. Information wants to be free, and it will always find a way to leak out, especially when it's in the midst of humans.

Okay, I see my time is running short here, let me go ahead and wrap it up and drive through a couple main points for you, then I'll open it up for questions, of which I don't doubt there will be many, that's good, and that means you've been paying attention here today.

It appears that we need to collect data for national security purposes research, planning, and for IT system for future upgrades. And collecting data for upgrades of an IT system, you really need to know about the bulk transfers of data and the time, which that data flows, and therefore it can be anonymized.

For national security issues, and for their research, that data will have anomalies in it, and there are problems with anomalies, because can project a false positives, and to get it right they have to continually refine it all. And although this may not sit well with most folks, nevertheless, we can find criminals this way, spies, terrorist cells, or those who work to undermine our system and stability of our nation.

With regards to government and the collection of data, we must understand that if there are bad humans in the world, and there are. And if many of those who shall seek power, may not be good people, and since information is power, you can see the problem, as that information and power will be used to help them promote their own agenda and rise in power, but it undermines the trust of the system of all the individuals in our society and civilization.

On the corporate front, they are going to try to collect as much data on you as they can, they've already started. After all, that's what the grocery stores are doing with their rewards program if you hadn't noticed. Not all the information they are collecting they will ever use, but they may sell it to third part affiliates, partners, or vendors, so that's at issue. Regulation will be needed in this regard, but the consumer should also have choices, but they ought to be wise about those choices and if they choose to give away personal information, they should know the risks, rewards, consequences, and challenges ahead.

Indeed, I thank you very much, and be sure to pick up a handout on your way out, if you didn't already get one, from the good looking blonde, Sherry, at the door. Thanks again, and let's take a 5-minute break, and then head into the question and answer session, deal?


Thursday, 22 August 2013

New Method of Market Segmentation - Combining Segmentation With Data Mining

Marketers have the ability to get high-fidelity information on their target markets through market segmentation. Market segmentation is the process of categorizing potential customers based on certain variables, such as age, gender, and income. A market segment is a group of customers that will react in the same way to a particular marketing campaign. By gathering this information, marketers can tailor their campaigns to groups of prospects to build stronger relationships with them.

Marketers gather this demographic information through surveys, usually when the customer submits a product rebate or willingly participates in a customer satisfaction survey. Over the majority of the past few decades, market segmentation consisted of differentiating prospects based on very simple variables: income, race, location, etc. While this is definitely important information to have on your target market, modern market segmentation takes into account more integrated information.

Modern segmentation breaks the market into target clusters that take into account not only standard demographics, but also other factors such as population density, psychographics, and buying and spending habits of customers. By focusing on these variables in addition to standard demographics, you can gain deeper insight into customer behavior.

Using standard demographics, you can tailor your marketing pieces to specific groups of people. But, by including these more sophisticated variables in your segmentation process, you can determine achieve a higher degree of "lift" or return on your segmentation efforts.

Segmenting your market on these factors helps you realize your total opportunity and revenue potential. It can enable you to better compete with similar product or service providers and lets you know where you stand within the game. It can help you target untapped market opportunities and allow you to better reach and retain customers.

Market segmentation depends on the gathering of high-quality, usable data. Many companies exist to gather and sell massive databases of targeted customer information, as well as providing consultation services to help you make sense of data bought or already owned. The key to the process is determining the best way to split up data.

There are essentially two methods for categorizing customers. Segments can either be determined in advance and then customers are assigned to each segment, or the actual customer data can be analyzed to identify naturally occurring behavioral clusters. Each cluster forms a particular market segment.

The benefit of cluster-based segmentation is that as a market's behavior changes, you can adapt your campaigns to better suit the cluster. The latest techniques blend cluster-based segmentation with deeper customer information acquired via data mining. Data mining uses algorithms to interrogate data within a database, and can produce information such as buying frequency and product types.

This new method of market segmentation, combining segmentation with data mining, provides marketers with high quality information on how their customers shop for and purchase their products or services. By combining standard market segmentation with data mining techniques you can better predict and model the behavior of your segments.


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Data Mining for Dollars

The more you know, the more you're aware you could be saving. And the deeper you dig, the richer the reward.

That's today's data mining capsulation of your realization: awareness of cost-saving options amid logistical obligations.

According to global trade group Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), fewer than 25% of organizations in North America and Europe are currently utilizing captured data as part of their business process. With high ease and low cost associated with utilization of their information, this unawareness is shocking. And costly.

Shippers - you're in prime position to benefit the most by data mining and assessing your electronically-captured billing records, by utilizing a freight bill processing provider, to realize and receive significant savings.

Whatever your volume, the more you know about your transportation options, throughout all modes, the easier it is to ship smarter and save. A freight bill processor is able to offer insight capable of saving you 5% - 15% annually on your transportation expenditures.

The University of California - Los Angeles states that data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - knowledge that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is an analytical tool that allows investigation of data from many different dimensions, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Practically, it leads you to noticeable shipping savings.

Data mining and subsequent reporting of shipping activity will yield discovery of timely, actionable information that empowers you to make the best logistics decisions based on carrier options, along with associated routes, rates and fees. This function also provides a deeper understanding of trends, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. Exploration of pertinent data, in any combination over any time period, enables you the operational and financial view of your functional flow, ultimately providing you significant cost savings.

With data mining, you can create a report based on a radius from a ship point, or identify opportunities for service or modal shifts, providing insight regarding carrier usage by lane, volume, average cost per pound, shipment size and service type. Performance can be measured based on overall shipping expenditures, variances from trends in costs, volumes and accessorial charges.

The easiest way to get into data mining of your transportation information is to form an alliance with a freight bill processor that provides this independent analytical tool, and utilize their unbiased technologies and related abilities to make shipping decisions that'll enable you to ship smarter and save.


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Data Mining - Techniques and Process of Data Mining

Data mining as the name suggest is extracting informative data from a huge source of information. It is like segregating a drop from the ocean. Here a drop is the most important information essential for your business, and the ocean is the huge database built up by you.

Recognized in Business

Businesses have become too creative, by coming up with new patterns and trends and of behavior through data mining techniques or automated statistical analysis. Once the desired information is found from the huge database it could be used for various applications. If you want to get involved into other functions of your business you should take help of professional data mining services available in the industry

Data Collection

Data collection is the first step required towards a constructive data-mining program. Almost all businesses require collecting data. It is the process of finding important data essential for your business, filtering and preparing it for a data mining outsourcing process. For those who are already have experience to track customer data in a database management system, have probably achieved their destination.

Algorithm selection

You may select one or more data mining algorithms to resolve your problem. You already have database. You may experiment using several techniques. Your selection of algorithm depends upon the problem that you are want to resolve, the data collected, as well as the tools you possess.

Regression Technique

The most well-know and the oldest statistical technique utilized for data mining is regression. Using a numerical dataset, it then further develops a mathematical formula applicable to the data. Here taking your new data use it into existing mathematical formula developed by you and you will get a prediction of future behavior. Now knowing the use is not enough. You will have to learn about its limitations associated with it. This technique works best with continuous quantitative data as age, speed or weight. While working on categorical data as gender, name or color, where order is not significant it better to use another suitable technique.

Classification Technique

There is another technique, called classification analysis technique which is suitable for both, categorical data as well as a mix of categorical and numeric data. Compared to regression technique, classification technique can process a broader range of data, and therefore is popular. Here one can easily interpret output. Here you will get a decision tree requiring a series of binary decisions.


Saturday, 17 August 2013

Data Management Services

In recent studies it has been revealed that any business activity has astonishing huge volumes of data, hence the ideas has to be organized well and can be easily gotten when need arises. Timely and accurate solutions are important in facilitating efficiency in any business activity. With the emerging professional outsourcing and data organizing companies nowadays many services are offered that matches the various kinds of managing the data collected and various business activities. This article looks at some of the benefits that accrue of offered by the professional data mining companies.

Entering of data

These kinds of services are quite significant since they help in converting the data that is needed in high ideal and format that is digitized. In internet some of this data can found that is original and handwritten. In printed paper documents and or text are not likely to contain electronic or needed formats. The best example in this context is books that need to be converted to e-books. In insurance companies they also depend on this process in processing the claims of insurance and at the same time apply to the law firms that offer support to analyze and process legal documents.


That is referred to as electronic data. This method is mostly used by clinical researchers and other related organization in medical. The electronic data and capture methods are used in the utilization in managing trials and research. The data mining and data management services are given in upcoming databases for studies. The ideas contained can easily be captured, other services being done and the survey taken.

Data changing

This is the process of converting data found in one format to another. Data extraction process often involves mining data from an existing system, formatting it, cleansing it and can be installed to enhance both availability and retrieving of information easily. Extensive testing and application are the requirements of this process. The service offered by data mining companies includes SGML conversion, XML conversion, CAD conversion, HTML conversion, image conversion.

Managing data service

In this service it involves the conversion of documents. It is where one character of a text may need to be converted to another. If we take an example it is easy to change image, video or audio file formats to other applications of the software that can be played or displayed. In indexing and scanning is where the services are mostly offered.

Data extraction and cleansing

Significant information and sequences from huge databases and websites extraction firms use this kind of service. The data harvested is supposed to be in a productive way and should be cleansed to increase the quality. Both manual and automated data cleansing services are offered by data mining organizations. This helps to ensure that there is accuracy, completeness and integrity of data. Also we keep in mind that data mining is never enough.

Web scraping, data extraction services, web extraction, imaging, catalog conversion, web data mining and others are the other management services offered by data mining organization. If your business organization needs such services here is one that can be of great significance that is web scraping and data mining


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Utilize Online Data Entry Services From India For Extended Profits

Numerous companies are seeking help for data entry services in order to better manage their company database. Many changes and innovations have taken place in this field that has greatly facilitated and accelerated often tedious and time consuming processes. There are a multitude of data entry companies offering useful solutions to businesses of all types. Hiring an online data entry company in India is an economical option. These outsourcing companies provide high quality work to businesses around the world.

Many firms have started passing their data entry work on to third party firms in an effort to save on overhead costs. The burden of employing a full time data entry associate on a salary basis and providing them with all the benefits of regular employees is immense, whether the work load is large of small for a particular month. Hiring a consultant will enable you to only incur costs when necessary.

Data is a very important part of any business. Therefore it is critical that it is handled with experienced hands and skills. Well managed data can be used in an endless number of ways to better plan and manage the undertakings of a business. As a part of data entry services, data conversion is gaining popularity. The companies are using the latest techniques and tools for designing data entry solutions. In order to make data useful for anyone, its conversion is important. Data that requires a longer duration of processing time should be outsourced for better efficiency of information flow.

Different types of businesses make use of these services. They primarily have an immense database to manage, for which to India is a cost effective option. For instance, pharmaceutical companies, educational institutes, law firms, E-Commerce sites, and others make use to data entry services for higher profits.

Outsourced data entry services have been very beneficial for companies by increasing sales, yet lowering labor expenses. They help in expanding the client base internationally, which enables global access to international customers with ease. Generally the data that is complex and takes longer processing times should be outsourced for better, timelier results. Some businesses can even take advantage of data conversion, document processing, and catalog development if they need it.

There are many advantages of outsourcing data entry services to developing countries like India. Here the workforce is cheap yet highly skilled. Thus, businesses can get better quality of work at relatively lower prices in comparison to companies in developed countries. There are a tremendous number of data entry service providers. One of these firms will be a great tool to take your business to the next level.


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Web Data Extraction Services

Web Data Extraction from Dynamic Pages includes some of the services that may be acquired through outsourcing. It is possible to siphon information from proven websites through the use of Data Scrapping software. The information is applicable in many areas in business. It is possible to get such solutions as data collection, screen scrapping, email extractor and Web Data Mining services among others from companies providing websites such as

Data mining is common as far as outsourcing business is concerned. Many companies are outsource data mining services and companies dealing with these services can earn a lot of money, especially in the growing business regarding outsourcing and general internet business. With web data extraction, you will pull data in a structured organized format. The source of the information will even be from an unstructured or semi-structured source.

In addition, it is possible to pull data which has originally been presented in a variety of formats including PDF, HTML, and test among others. The web data extraction service therefore, provides a diversity regarding the source of information. Large scale organizations have used data extraction services where they get large amounts of data on a daily basis. It is possible for you to get high accuracy of information in an efficient manner and it is also affordable.

Web data extraction services are important when it comes to collection of data and web-based information on the internet. Data collection services are very important as far as consumer research is concerned. Research is turning out to be a very vital thing among companies today. There is need for companies to adopt various strategies that will lead to fast means of data extraction, efficient extraction of data, as well as use of organized formats and flexibility.

In addition, people will prefer software that provides flexibility as far as application is concerned. In addition, there is software that can be customized according to the needs of customers, and these will play an important role in fulfilling diverse customer needs. Companies selling the particular software therefore, need to provide such features that provide excellent customer experience.

It is possible for companies to extract emails and other communications from certain sources as far as they are valid email messages. This will be done without incurring any duplicates. You will extract emails and messages from a variety of formats for the web pages, including HTML files, text files and other formats. It is possible to carry these services in a fast reliable and in an optimal output and hence, the software providing such capability is in high demand. It can help businesses and companies quickly search contacts for the people to be sent email messages.

It is also possible to use software to sort large amount of data and extract information, in an activity termed as data mining. This way, the company will realize reduced costs and saving of time and increasing return on investment. In this practice, the company will carry out Meta data extraction, scanning data, and others as well.


Monday, 12 August 2013

Why Outsourcing Data Mining Services?

Are huge volumes of raw data waiting to be converted into information that you can use? Your organization's hunt for valuable information ends with valuable data mining, which can help to bring more accuracy and clarity in decision making process.

Nowadays world is information hungry and with Internet offering flexible communication, there is remarkable flow of data. It is significant to make the data available in a readily workable format where it can be of great help to your business. Then filtered data is of considerable use to the organization and efficient this services to increase profits, smooth work flow and ameliorating overall risks.

Data mining is a process that engages sorting through vast amounts of data and seeking out the pertinent information. Most of the instance data mining is conducted by professional, business organizations and financial analysts, although there are many growing fields that are finding the benefits of using in their business.

Data mining is helpful in every decision to make it quick and feasible. The information obtained by it is used for several applications for decision-making relating to direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, scientific tests, telecommunications, financial services and utilities.

Data mining services include:

    Congregation data from websites into excel database
    Searching & collecting contact information from websites
    Using software to extract data from websites
    Extracting and summarizing stories from news sources
    Gathering information about competitors business

In this globalization era, handling your important data is becoming a headache for many business verticals. Then outsourcing is profitable option for your business. Since all projects are customized to suit the exact needs of the customer, huge savings in terms of time, money and infrastructure can be realized.

Advantages of Outsourcing Data Mining Services:

    Skilled and qualified technical staff who are proficient in English
    Improved technology scalability
    Advanced infrastructure resources
    Quick turnaround time
    Cost-effective prices
    Secure Network systems to ensure data safety
    Increased market coverage

Outsourcing will help you to focus on your core business operations and thus improve overall productivity. So data mining outsourcing is become wise choice for business. Outsourcing of this services helps businesses to manage their data effectively, which in turn enable them to achieve higher profits.


Saturday, 10 August 2013

Data Extraction - A Guideline to Use Scrapping Tools Effectively

So many people around the world do not have much knowledge about these scrapping tools. In their views, mining means extracting resources from the earth. In these internet technology days, the new mined resource is data. There are so many data mining software tools are available in the internet to extract specific data from the web. Every company in the world has been dealing with tons of data, managing and converting this data into a useful form is a real hectic work for them. If this right information is not available at the right time a company will lose valuable time to making strategic decisions on this accurate information.

This type of situation will break opportunities in the present competitive market. However, in these situations, the data extraction and data mining tools will help you to take the strategic decisions in right time to reach your goals in this competitive business. There are so many advantages with these tools that you can store customer information in a sequential manner, you can know the operations of your competitors, and also you can figure out your company performance. And it is a critical job to every company to have this information at fingertips when they need this information.

To survive in this competitive business world, this data extraction and data mining are critical in operations of the company. There is a powerful tool called Website scraper used in online digital mining. With this toll, you can filter the data in internet and retrieves the information for specific needs. This scrapping tool is used in various fields and types are numerous. Research, surveillance, and the harvesting of direct marketing leads is just a few ways the website scraper assists professionals in the workplace.

Screen scrapping tool is another tool which useful to extract the data from the web. This is much helpful when you work on the internet to mine data to your local hard disks. It provides a graphical interface allowing you to designate Universal Resource Locator, data elements to be extracted, and scripting logic to traverse pages and work with mined data. You can use this tool as periodical intervals. By using this tool, you can download the database in internet to you spread sheets. The important one in scrapping tools is Data mining software, it will extract the large amount of information from the web, and it will compare that date into a useful format. This tool is used in various sectors of business, especially, for those who are creating leads, budget establishing seeing the competitors charges and analysis the trends in online. With this tool, the information is gathered and immediately uses for your business needs.

Another best scrapping tool is e mailing scrapping tool, this tool crawls the public email addresses from various web sites. You can easily from a large mailing list with this tool. You can use these mailing lists to promote your product through online and proposals sending an offer for related business and many more to do. With this toll, you can find the targeted customers towards your product or potential business parents. This will allows you to expand your business in the online market.

There are so many well established and esteemed organizations are providing these features free of cost as the trial offer to customers. If you want permanent services, you need to pay nominal fees. You can download these services from their valuable web sites also.


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Data Entry Services in India Are Getting Famous in the World!

Outsourcing has become the most profitable business in the world. This business is growing in India and other part of the world. These services are getting famous in the world and most of the business owners are saving their lots of money by doing outsourcing to different countries where India comes in top in the outsourcing. By outsourcing your offline and online information entry jobs, your company will maintain properly organized and up-to-date records of the employees and other important stuff. These jobs are usually done in the home environment.

India is very popular in providing the BPO services for their customers. There is large scale of BPO service providers running their business in India. The employees working in these offices are also very competent and trained. Data entry services in India is very popular all around the world because of having the access of BPO experts and the web data extraction experts.

What these BPO services provide you?

There are many business across the globe running on the outsource services, BPO services in India provides the ease of life to the business owner want quick and fast data entry work.

There are many well reputed firms working in India and doing their best to finish and deliver comes punctually. They're professional well equipped with the newest technology and software and more importantly with the professional labor work. They are fully trained and expert in their niche so if a business owner take the services then they get the in time work and quality. When you will select any BPO expert then you will find the following data entry expertise in these professional companies.

1. You will find the handwritten material with the help of experts.
2. Knowledge entry of e-books, directories, image files and etc.
3. You will also get the best services of data processing.
4. Business card knowledge entry
5. Bills and survey services which will help you to Maintain and correct records.
6. Alpha numeric data entry services
7. Data entry free trails.

Thousand of online BPO jobs are also available on the Indian big job portals and other data entry work. These services and work force reduce your workload and will enhance your productivity of your business. Outsourcing the right choice by any business owner because it reduces your total cost and you get the perfect and reliable work. When you approach to any professional service provider firm in India then it reduce the turnaround time and you get the professional data entry services.


Monday, 5 August 2013

The Truth Behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service

We have come to this what we call the information era where industries are craving for useful data needed for decision making, product creations - among other vital uses for business. Data mining and converting them to become useful information is part of this trend which makes businesses to grow to their optimum potentials. However, a lot of companies cannot handle by themselves alone the processes data mining involved as they are just overwhelmed by other important tasks. This is where data mining outsourcing comes into play.

There have been a lot of definitions introduced but it can simply be explained as a process that includes sorting through huge amounts of raw data to be able to extract valuable information needed by industries and businesses in various fields. In most cases, this is done by professionals, business organizations, and financial analysts. There has been a rapid growth in the number of sectors or groups who are getting into it though.

There are a number of reasons why there is a rapid growth in data mining outsourcing service subscriptions. Some of these are presented below:

Wide Array of services included

A lot of companies are turning to data mining outsourcing because it caters a lot of services. Such services include, but not limited to congregation data from websites into database applications, collecting contact information from various websites, extracting data from websites using software, sorting stories from news sources, and accumulating business information from competitors.

A lot of companies are benefiting

A lot of industries are benefiting from it because it is quick and feasible. Information extracted by data mining outsourcing service providers are used in crucial decision-making in the area of direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relation management, health care, scientific test and other experimental endeavor, telecommunications, financial services, and a whole lot more.

Have a lot of advantages

Subscribing for data mining outsourcing service offers many advantages because providers ensure clients of rendering services with global standards. They strive to work with improved technology scalability, advanced infrastructure resources, quick turnaround time, cost-effective prices, more secure network system to ensure information safety, and increased market coverage.

Outsourcing allows companies to concentrate in their core business operations and therefore can improve overall productivity. No wonder why data mining outsourcing has been a prime choice of many businesses - it propels business towards greater profits.


Sunday, 4 August 2013

Why Outsource Data Entry Service?

Data entry is one of the most neglected responsibilities for any organization. Many organizations can not provide much attention to the data entry departments compare to other departments of the firm. So it is beneficial for them to outsource data entry services to bpo companies. Outsourcing is one of the most cost effective and reliable way to manage your business data entry.

If you think to outsource bpo services, then India is the most preferred country to outsource data entry, data processing, data conversion and many more bpo services at affordable rate. To save money and time, India is the central place in the world to outsource data entry services.

Some of other reimbursements of outsourcing like:

- Reduced operating cost
- No need to hire and train employee
- Make able you to focus on your core business
- Take advantages of bpo professionals
- Saved money and time can be invested in the other areas of business

Outsourcing is the profitable option available for any businesses because it has maximum benefits which boosts up your business performance, increases productivity, smoothly and effectively running your database management system and work flow.

Outsourcing services make available addition benefits such as integrating high quality processes, the advanced technology, well established infrastructure and expert professionals are capable to achieve better and cover the entire range of data entry services at lowest rates with 99.98% accuracy.

So, outsource your requirements to a reliable bpo company who is accomplished to complete data entry needs with successfully and provide ideal customized solutions for your entire organization requirements.

BPO industry engaged in providing absolute services give quick, well-organized and secure solutions to retain their place in competitive outsourcing market. Many organizations provide high level of accuracy with complete confidentiality. These companies also utilize the services of proofreaders in an effort to give high accurate service.


Saturday, 3 August 2013

Outsource Data Entry Services

The most crucial primary need of any administration is data entry and an exceptionally imperative area of potentiality that helps enhance the functioning standard technique. It may seem that carrying off and handling this kind of a business is gentle task but the truth is, it's very complicated and needs many processes that need to be addressed systematically. Handling work has become much easier due to the massive modifications that have taken place in this area. The best alternative today is to find a company which renders data entry services with least possible rates, so that you can take advantage of the best services to keep up the data and other information of your company.

It's a growing tendency now days to outsource Data Entry Work to trustworthy service provider who offers exceeding output out of their work. Outsourcing is a very sensible option and also profitable, for those who would like to revolve around other important matters of business by giving these works to a dependable service provider who's specialized in this area. The reason behind why many companies and organizations want to outsource these services from offshore localizations is the truth that the services are from highly certified professionals is cost-efficient and time bound and the contribution of in this field is invincible.

Core Benefits of outsource data entry services in India.

In today's world, information technology plays a determining role in growth of organization. It creates success and brings bristle virtues. These services as the part of this revolution brings enormous outsourcing chances with it.

• Reliable Data Source: As the part of outsourcing, the companies get altogether flawless data which can be well used for the profits of the organizational needs. This successively ascertains smoothness in work flow and there's no wastage of time.

• Minimized Costing and Maximized ROI: Data entry outsourcing services brings an ideal buy to the companies who have other striking processes to attend of. In this way, the companies can abbreviate the wastage of resources and step-up the efficiency and productivity. As the result of which, sumptuous gains are the obvious outcome.

• Quality Work: amidst the other core benefits of BPO outsourcing services is acquiring fast track caliber work as per the demands. As bulk assignments rendered everyday without compromising on the quality issue, outsourcing data entry services is fast turning the first choice of most of information technology companies.

• Many in one service: These outsourcing services is an idealistic potpourri of number of confederate services, which include, image scanning,OCR scanning, PDF to DOC conversion, image editing, data processing, data security and much more.

• Effective Data Management: Since the data is entered anew into dissimilar formats, it's carried off and digitized to give an affable charm, besides, high accuracy grades.

Whether small or big, data entry services can certainly bring in lot of difference in the recital standards of your business. They can provide-high level of accuracy, well timed deliveries, total privacy and cost-efficient data entry services. Here, they give most comprehensive range of high quality and low-priced services that are best for high volume outsourcing data entry services.


Thursday, 1 August 2013

Data Discovery vs. Data Extraction

Looking at screen-scraping at a simplified level, there are two primary stages involved: data discovery and data extraction. Data discovery deals with navigating a web site to arrive at the pages containing the data you want, and data extraction deals with actually pulling that data off of those pages. Generally when people think of screen-scraping they focus on the data extraction portion of the process, but my experience has been that data discovery is often the more difficult of the two.

The data discovery step in screen-scraping might be as simple as requesting a single URL. For example, you might just need to go to the home page of a site and extract out the latest news headlines. On the other side of the spectrum, data discovery may involve logging in to a web site, traversing a series of pages in order to get needed cookies, submitting a POST request on a search form, traversing through search results pages, and finally following all of the "details" links within the search results pages to get to the data you're actually after. In cases of the former a simple Perl script would often work just fine. For anything much more complex than that, though, a commercial screen-scraping tool can be an incredible time-saver. Especially for sites that require logging in, writing code to handle screen-scraping can be a nightmare when it comes to dealing with cookies and such.

In the data extraction phase you've already arrived at the page containing the data you're interested in, and you now need to pull it out of the HTML. Traditionally this has typically involved creating a series of regular expressions that match the pieces of the page you want (e.g., URL's and link titles). Regular expressions can be a bit complex to deal with, so most screen-scraping applications will hide these details from you, even though they may use regular expressions behind the scenes.

As an addendum, I should probably mention a third phase that is often ignored, and that is, what do you do with the data once you've extracted it? Common examples include writing the data to a CSV or XML file, or saving it to a database. In the case of a live web site you might even scrape the information and display it in the user's web browser in real-time. When shopping around for a screen-scraping tool you should make sure that it gives you the flexibility you need to work with the data once it's been extracted.
